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New posts in ipython-notebook

Ipython notebook 3 disables seaborn settings

How can I load Raphael within IPython notebook, avoiding some issues that arise due to require.js?

SystemExit: 2 error when calling parse_args() in iPython Notebook

Kernel Error in R Notebook using Jupyter Notebook

Customizing IPython notebook / Jupyter slide show

is it possible to embed an interactive IPython Notebook in my website/blog?


Ipython notebook: show for-loop images "realtime", before next step [duplicate]

Multicursor selection in Jupyter without mouse

Jupyterlab: turn on tab completion for text editor as in Notebook?

In IPython Widgets, how to update the DropDown widget with new value?

Jupyter Notebook Extensions Fail to Load

ipython-notebook jupyter

Seaborn: Specify an exact color

CSS Styling of HTML in IPython Notebook output

css ipython-notebook

Posting IPython Notebook in Wordpress

IPython notebook interactive function: how to set the slider range

Displaying ggplot2 graphs from R in Jupyter

Dynamically update plot in iPython notebook

How can I plot multiple figure in the same line with matplotlib?

How do I get the modern style matplotlib plots often seen in iPython Notebook examples?

IPython notebook read string from raw text cell