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New posts in image-segmentation

Weighting samples in multiclass image segmentation using keras

semantic segmentation with tensorflow - ValueError in loss function (sparse-softmax)

What is the meaning of "history" inside BackgroundSubtractorMOG2?

What is a good metric for feature vector comparison and how to normalize them before comparison?

how to segment the connected area based on depth color in opencv

Image not segmenting properly using DBSCAN

loss function design to incorporate different weight for false positive and false negative

TensorFlow 2 custom loss: "No gradients provided for any variable" error

OCR: segmentation of small text

Adjacent and non-adjacent superpixels for an superpixel in an image

BodyPix: Real-time Person Segmentation

How to leave only the largest blob in an image?

Normalized cuts with Matlab 2013a

Image segmentation - Split and Merge (Quadtrees)

Optimizing algorithm for segmentation through image substraction

Difference between foreground-background segmentation methods in OpenCV

Image (color?) segmentation with opencv C++

How to Extract part of Image inside specified boundary in MATLAB

Extract hand bones from X-ray image

How is the smooth dice loss differentiable?