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New posts in idisposable

Does my code properly clean up its List<MemoryStream>?

If I return a value inside a using block in a method, does the using dispose of the object before the return?

c# .net idisposable

Using disposed SPSite and SPWeb objects

Does a using block guarantee that the object will not be disposed until the end of the block?

c# idisposable using

How to deal with IDisposable?

c# .net idisposable

Understanding disposable objects

Best strategy for GDI+ object lifetime?

c# winforms gdi+ idisposable

Question on IDisposable

c# .net idisposable

How do I dispose an IDisposable object if the using statement throws an exception?

Using StreamReader after the underlying stream has beed disposed?

c# stream idisposable

Using `using(...)` effectively useless and/or inefficient?

c# idisposable using

Finalizers and Dispose

Garbage Colletion with IDisposable

For Microsoft built classes that inherit IDisposable, do I explicitly have to call Dispose?

c# .net dispose idisposable

Alternative syntax for C# using statement to automatically dispose objects?

c# .net idisposable

C# disposing IDisposable

What's the purpose of implementing the IDisposable interface?

c# idisposable

What happens to an IDisposable object after I return it?

Why is it always necessary to implement IDisposable on an object that has an IDisposable member?

Should I implement IDisposable on classes handling external event to release event handlers? [duplicate]