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New posts in hikaricp

Massive number of "SET autocommit=0/1" queries in MySQL

HikariCP auto reconnect

HikariConfig pool for Oracle

Connection pooling in multi tenant app. Shared pool vs pool per tenant

Returning db connection to HikariCP pool with Slick 3.1.x

scala slick-3.0 hikaricp

get active connection on HikariDataSource


HikariCP 1.4.0 MBean InstanceNotFoundException

java oracle hikaricp

How to set HikariCP pool size with Play

Springboot HikariCP

HikariCP: What database level timeouts should be considered to set maxLifetime for Oracle 11g

slick 3.0.0 with HikariCP driver not loaded - IllegalAccessException: AbstractHikariConfig can not access a member with modifiers "private"

HikariCP: maxLifetime and idleTimeout with fixed-size pool


SQLSTATE(08006), ErrorCode(17002) When Using HikariCP JDBC Connection Pool

HikariCP - MYSQL No operations allowed after connection closed. Possibly consider using a shorter maxLifetime value

How to get logging info for HikariCP


Possibly consider using a shorter maxLifetime value - hikari connection pool spring boot

Spring retry connection until datasource is available