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Can I modify DNS settings for a Ruby on Rails app?

Not able to add Dynos on Heroku


Why can't I write a sitemap to a temporary directory on a Heroku stack that has a read-only file system?

Disable NewRelic logs when running rake task on Heroku

ffmpeg on Heroku: unrecognized option 'preset'

Same add-on for multiple Heroku apps

heroku account add-on

Problems with custom LIBFFI Heroku buildpack

Rails Heroku - unable to git push heroku master - i18n issue

heroku ruby-on-rails-4

"Directory migrations already exists" during init on Heroku

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NameError: uninitialized constant CarrierWave::Storage::Fog in Heroku Logs

Rails: NameError: uninitialized constant Rails::Application::YAML

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Rails 4 session.id occasionally nil

How to use Rails Composer and postgreSQL on Cloud9 and deploy on Heroku

heroku toolbelt command issues

heroku heroku-toolbelt

Creating an Azure Web App with Postgresql database (is that possible?)

Deploying to heroku changing DEBUG = False results in 500 error

python django heroku

What is the URL to a heroku git repository?

Express/Webpack failing on dokku and heroku

Heroku PHP “Getting Started” doesn’t run locally on OSX

php macos heroku

Deploy only worker dyno to heroku (for firebase-queue)