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New posts in guava

How can I compare two MultiMaps?

Using Guava bundled with GWT

gwt guava

Why in Guava filter/transform functions sometimes return modifiable view and some returns unmodifiable view?

java guava

Finding duplicates in a collection

java guava

How do I store a Map in a Guava Cache

java caching dictionary guava

Why WeakHashMap holds strong reference to value after GC?

How to combine a list of exceptions?

Guava CacheLoader throw and catch custom exceptions

Using Google Common Collection in GWT

java gwt guava

com.google.common.collect.Sets.SetView bug or feature?

java collections guava

Collections.emptyList() vs guava's ImmutableList.of()

java guava

How do I do this using guava?

java guava apache-commons

Is the serialization of Guava immutable collections stable?

java serialization guava

Guava CacheBuilder Cache RemovalListener onRemoval doesn't get called everytime though the entry gets removed

java guava

I use Guava's immutable collections (compiled for Java 6) and a Java 8 JRE, can I use the new stream interface?

java collections guava java-8

From List<Foo> to Map<String, List<Foo>>: looking for a better implementation

How to Merge two Immutable Sets in Java.? [duplicate]

java collections guava

guava-libraries - Is the Ordering class thread safe?

Do Guava caches consider weight in eviction choices?

java caching guava

Why do I need adding artifact JSR305 to use Guava 14+?

java maven guava jsr305