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New posts in greenrobot-eventbus

Kotlin: Can we use @Subscribe of EventBus (GreenRobot) in Kotlin?

What are the disadvantages of subscribing to Eventbus in Application class?


IPC in Android using GreenRobot eventbus

how to use greenrobot to pass data to activity or fragment that has not been initialized yet?

GreenRobot EventBusException: Subscriber class already registered to event class


Threading events using GreenRobot EventBus

Otto/EventBus across multiple processes

GreenRobot EventBus error in fragments: No subscribers registered for event class

EventBus, register and registerSticky method

Differences between Greenrobot EventBus and Guava's EventBus

Is it good to replace broadcast receiver with Greenrobot Eventbus for triggering event based functions and data transfer from service to activity?

EventBus - Subscriber class and its super classes have no public methods with the @subscribe annotation

Is using event library like Otto or EventBus a recommended way to handle relations between Activities, Fragments, and background threads [closed]