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New posts in graphicsmagick

Enabling Gmagick PHP module causes ImageMagick (Imagick) module to report 0 supported formats

Why smaller PNG image takes up more space than the original after getting resized by GraphicsMagic

Do I have access to GraphicsMagicks or ImageMagicks in a Google Cloud Function?

Most Efficient Way to Create Thumbnails?

Converting a PNG buffer to a JPG in graphicsmagick in node

node.js graphicsmagick

GraphicsMagick CgBI unknown critical chunk

Gmagick extension for php install -- how and where?

Apply watermark with text / image using GraphicsMagick

Problems when resizing cinemagraphs (animated GIFs)

To render the Progressive Image in Progressive manner

Lightweight command-line image resizer?

compress output tiff with g4 compression

Pipe stream to graphicsmagick/imagemagick child process

Cloud/RESTful interface for Image/GraphicsMagick [closed]

Skipper in SailsJS (beta) image resize before upload

Meteor Up Docker and Graphicsmagick

Please provide the prefix of GraphicsMagick installation [autodetect]

gm conversion issue in node.js

Installing rmagick 2.13.1 with graphicsmagick on Ubuntu 10.04

What options for convert (ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick) produce the smallest (filesize) PNG?