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New posts in google-chrome-app

Why is this Google Chrome (Hosted) App invalid for Kiosk mode?

Communication between Chrome-app and a homepage with PostMessage

JavaScript get permission for Audio.setSinkId

Loading local content through XHR in a Chrome packaged app

Chrome app, open link in a new tab

How catch (or know about) chrome.runtime.sendMessage Port Error?

How to access internal resources from background.js

How to select (highlight) text in Chrome app

How is use of npm to install global packages that don't even get used in Node applications justified?

How to protect source code of chrome packaged app?

Postman chrome extension with array of hashes as value

google-chrome-app postman

Adding a system tray icon to a Chrome App like the Google Hangouts app does? [duplicate]

Bubbling Up Notifications Through Google Chrome App Webview