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New posts in google-cast

Does Chromecast support the TS container format in MPEG-DASH manifest

GCKChannel disconnected while iOS sender enter background

Why doesn't Chromecast respect fractional playbackRate values on video elements?

google-cast chromecast

How to enable subtitles on a hls file from Google Cast sender app

Does the Google Cast extension for Google Chrome support 1080p? [closed]


How can a custom receiver use the "ramp" namespace or can I modify the sample apps to use a custom namespace without re-writing support for RAMP?

google-cast chromecast

Adding cast button to ActionBar using the CastCompanionLibrary

android google-cast

Styled media receiver source (Chromecast)

Are there any solution to make android device as a Cast Receiver?

android google-cast

Google-cast v3 custom namespace

How does Chromecast determine inactivity?

How to check if a ChromeCast Session is already in progress


ChromeCast: Chrome sample project not running

Does the Chromecast support casting videos from Reddit? (HLS and Dash videos)

Will Chromecast device play videos encoded as HLS? [closed]

Using Chromecast Android API to push a URL to the "ChromeCast" App

google-cast chromecast

Retrieve media info from the current track being played on a specific Chromecast

skipPrevious and skipNext buttons inactive even with items in queue Google Cast iOS Sender SDK v4.3.5 and above