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How to find out what causes file permissions to change when checking out files with git?

git permissions gitolite

Is there a way to diagnose why git init --bare doesn't create specific directories?

git gitolite

Gitolite gives error message when pushing gitolite-admin: could not symlink

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gitolite: can connect via ssh, can't clone

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how to configure a migrated git repository in gitolite

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Access control in Cgit

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gitolite: allow to change only selelected files

git gitolite

The project disappear from gitweb after a git push

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gitolite disallow access for directory on master branch but not on user branch

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When Installing gitolite I get "/tmp/id_rsa.pub does not seem to be a valid ssh pubkey file"

git gitolite

gitolite + cgit: No repositories found

Git Log History

Git/gitolite: moving repos after setting up gitolite

git gitolite

Gitolite not updating authorized_keys file

git ssh openssh gitolite

Gitolite - remote: FATAL: fingerprinting failed for 'keydir/'

ruby-on-rails gitolite

How to add a ssh key to gitolite server without using gitolite-admin? [closed]

gitolite ssh-keys

how do I remove a remote branch when I get an error?

git git-branch gitolite

Gitolite: adding user not working, and DENIED by fallthru when cloning as root?

git clone gitolite

heroku + git submodule needs authentication

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