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What do I do when a pull request is cherry picked?

In Git, is there a way to automatically mark all newer vesions of files in a merge conflict as correct?

git merge github conflict

Deploying a Re-Written Github/Heroku App

Rails3 & Git & Heroku - development/staging server

How to make this (github) source into a library/jar?

Config files are already in remote git repository. Want to unversion but not delete. How?

git version-control github

Can I use github-services hook to post my feeds to other services?

How HTML5 Boilerplate converts github wiki to its website?

github wiki

What should I put in requirements file for pip to pick the correct git branch?

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How do I programmatically upload a file to a github repo's Downloads area?

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How to work on personal GitHub repo from office computer whose SSH key is already added to a work related GitHub account?

github ssh-keys

Django social auth GitHub authentication

Accidentally pushed temporary branch to origin, want to discard it

git github

Delete a github branch [duplicate]

git github branch

how to know a total commit of a collaborator

git github

Why is the github logo implemented with HTML as a font? [closed]

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Git Clone Vs Git Create Repository

Why is the size of the forked repository so huge in GitHub?

github wireshark

How can I push a branch of my GitHub project repo to the Moovweb Cloud?

github moovweb

How do I restart a git/GitHub project?

git github