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R: How to change plot background color for a specific range in ggvis shiny app

r shiny ggvis

log scale and limits with ggvis

r ggvis

Scatter plot in R with ggvis: how to plot multiple groups with different shape markers and corresponding fitted regression lines

r plot scatter-plot ggvis

Proper way to return from ggvis when the data is empty?

r shiny ggvis

Adjusting x limits xlim() in ggplot2 geom_density() to mimic ggvis layer_densities() behavior

r ggplot2 ggvis

ggvis - Interactive X axis for bar chart

r shiny ggvis

shiny, ggvis, and add_tooltip with HTML

r shiny ggvis

controlling color of factor group in ggvis - r

r ggvis

Interactive scatter plots in R, overlay/hover summary/tooltip as user supplied plot function

r ggplot2 plotly ggvis

Rstudio shiny ggvis tooltip on mouse hover

r shiny ggvis

Can't get interactive zooming to work with ggvis

r ggvis

Heat map with numbers in ggvis

r ggvis

Color path segments in ggvis / layer_paths

r ggvis

ggVis : creating a plot with multiple layers on different dataset

r ggplot2 ggvis

custom fill color in ggvis (and other options)

r ggvis

Overlay legend on interactive ggvis plot

r ggvis

R: ggvis - gray background (as ggplot2)

r ggvis

How is data passed from reactive Shiny expression to ggvis plot?

r shiny ggvis