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strange mingw linker errors with boost?

c++ boost linker g++ mingw

g++ variadic templates. Simple Sample code won't compile, complains 'Not a template'

No conversion from long unsigned int to long unsigned int&

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How to execute this DirectFB sample?

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std::generate not working on an std::vector

c++ g++ stl-algorithm

G++ compiles .hpp and .cpp files differently to shared library

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What make g++ include GLIBCXX_3.4.9?

Is typeid of type name always evaluated at compile time in c++?

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C++ running on PIC32 (MIPS32)

Is there anything special I need to do to use C code in my C++ program?

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arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe: CreateProcess: No such file or directory error

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Correctness of cmath's pow() in GCC

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chdir not declared, compilation error g++

compilation g++ chdir

Error while compiling wxWidgets-2.8.12 on MinGW with GCC-4.8.1

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Why does g++ not warn/err while concatenating an integer to a string using +=

Compiler optimization or my misunderstanding

Cannot find sys/cdefs.h when building V8 for Android

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Significantly slower code when compiling with G++ instead of LLVM

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Boost.test cannot find main

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Working program gets an Illegal instruction fault on 'clean machine'?

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