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New posts in functional-interface

How to suitably compose Predicate and Function in a Java function?

reference to method is ambiguous when migrating from java8 to java9

Java method can't be applied with Lambda expression

Static reference ( with :: ) to a method returning an interface

Can you call the parent interface's default method from an interface that subclasses that interface? [duplicate]

Passing an instance of Comparable to a method that expects a Comparator

Java Lambda to comparator conversion - intermediate representation

Java 8 lambdas execution

Why can't @FunctionalInterface be applied to a SAM abstract base class

Why is this Java method call considered ambiguous?

Warning: [overloads] method m1 is potentially ambiguous with method m2

Do you have a list of Java 8 Functional interfaces (not the ones listed in java.util.function)?

Java lambda only throwing expression-style instead of statement-style [duplicate]

Why isn't @FunctionalInterface used on all the interfaces in the JDK that qualify?

Functional Interface Inheritance Quirk

Method reference is ambiguous for Thread.sleep

Should 'Comparable<T>' be a 'Functional interface'?

Casting Java functional interfaces

Implementing an interface with two abstract methods by a lambda expression

Is there a way to use Java 8 functional interfaces on Android API below 24?