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New posts in firefox

Getting Selenium to Work with Firefox Driver on C# Latest 3.9.0

"Unable to find a matching set of capabilities" -- Selenium with Python 2.7

Can the HTTP version or headers affect the visual appearance of a web page?

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Programmatically access browser history

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How to set DIV width/height with Javascript in Firefox

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Why does the floated span drop?

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childNodes not working in Firefox and Chrome but working in IE

Why is Firefox is requesting a bogus URL from an IMG src in JavaScript code?

javascript firefox browser

How to run a local exe in my firefox extension?

css3 won't validate in w3c valdidator

CSS gradients for firefox 3.5

firefox css gradient

Setting custom cookies in firefox and chrome?

Is the Webkit inspector (developer tools) a suitable replacement for Firebug yet?

Firefox asks for username/password on every HTTP request with Digest Authentication enabled on IIS6

Relative Image Path not showing Image in FireFox

html firefox image src

Controlling Google Chrome using Java

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start firefox extension without restart

Problems with xmlhttprequest status 302

CSS Table Display Differences - Chrome Vs Firefox

how do I extend a javascript object such that in browsers that don't natively have outerHTML, I can define it?