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Login to firebase using gcloud service account

Firebase deploy function --non-interactive

Firebase.auth().useEmulator is not a function

'firebase deploy' Error - Must supply a public directory using "public" in each "hosting" config

Unable to deploy a firebase cloud function due to permission error

How to uninstall Firebase CLI (firebase-tools)

firebase firebase-cli

Cannot upgrade or remove firebase from system

firebase npm firebase-cli

Cross-project access to Firebase Database from a service account

Firebase Firestore emulator error `Host has been set in both settings() and useEmulator(), emulator host will be used`

What recent change to Firestore makes it complain about "Overlapping recursive wildcard match statement"?

Access of configuration variable in Cloud Functions Firebase CLI local emulator failed

You are initializing in an existing Firebase project directory

firebase deploy: how to modify pre-deploy

Firebase Function Deployment issue: package.json not found in %RESOURCE_DIR%

How can I reset the default project hosting with firebase?

ESLint error trying to deploy functions Firebase