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New posts in facebook-android-sdk

toByteArray() won't be resolved for facebook login

How to install Facebook Pixel and track a conversion in an app using Cordova?

Android Studio - Facebook Login button render error

How to handle API errors in Android app using Facebook 3.0 SDK?

How to avoid showing already-authorized to app dialog in Android Facebook SDK

Login with extra permission with Facebook SDK 3 for Android

Graph Request Error 500

What is the code for getting a refreshed Facebook token in an Android app?

Facebook Native ads in recycler view android

E/com.facebook.appevents.RestrictiveDataManager: updateRulesFromSetting failed

packaging android facebook sdk as apklib with maven

Android Facebook app: access token expiry ( expires_in ) is always 0

Getting Invalid Scope with new Permission pages_show_list

How do I simply share content on Facebook wall using its Android SDK?

How to get facebook profile picture of user in facebook SDK Android

Logout Facebook Android SDK

Session.getActiveSession() returns null when starting the app, although I'm connected

Facebook SDK 3.8 : permission publish_actions not returned

android facebook sdk publish feed to user's timeline