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New posts in email-headers

What's the easiest/cleanest way to get the MessageID of a sent email?

python django email-headers

mail() from php.net manual: difference between "to" and "to-header"

Sending email using smtp and setting the message-id

email smtp gmail email-headers

Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets?

php email email-headers

accented words in email subject break spacing - how do I stop this?

E-Mail Header: MIME-Version: 1.0 - When should this be used?

email mime email-headers

As a recipient, is it possible to detect if an email was sent via Gmail's "Schedule Send" vs. "Send"?

Custom Email Headers in Laravel 4

Convert data from email header

What is ZuckMail ? [closed]

Do all email clients use "In-Reply-To" field in email header?

How to cause sent emails to appear threaded in GMail recipient's view with Message-ID, In-Reply-To and References

Using Gmail message source, generate direct link

How can the Return-Path header be different than the actual email bounce recipient?

Parsing Thread-Index Mail Header with Python

python email-headers

Is it possible to decode a SPAMCAUSE field in a mail header?

Multiple In-Reply-To

email email-headers

Set the Message-ID mail header in Rails3 / ActionMailer

Correct headers for replying and forwarding emails

php email email-headers

List-unsubscribe in e-mail header. How-to?

c# asp.net email email-headers