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Why are arrow functions as static members values not lexically scoped?

Assigning properties to non-prototype with decorators

Node.js Best Practice Exception Handling - After Async/Await

Arrow vs classic method in ES6 class

Property 'trimLeft' does not exist on type 'string'. Lib: ["dom", "es2018"]

Why was await* removed from the async/await proposal?

Arrow functions as class properties using Babel

Javascript class methods versus properties

JS & ES6: Access static fields from within class

Remove TypeScript type annotations and assertions from code base

Raising function * into async function *?

What should happen with `await` when the expression after the keyword does not evaluate to promise?

Async/Await not waiting

How to import two component but same name from two libraries?

Difference between Object.assign and object spread [duplicate]

Is it OK to use async/await almost everywhere?

Is the constructor still needed in React with autobinding and property initializers

Destructure Spread off Import ES6

Spread syntax ES6 with statement

async / await not working in combination with fetch