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Error in Nested SubQuery In DQL: Class '(' is not defined

Cannot select entity through identification variables without choosing at least one root entity alias

Doctrine2 , get entities order by count of a many to many property

php sql symfony doctrine-orm dql

Doctrine DQL and Namespaces (relative only?)

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How to return object from a DQL query?

php doctrine-orm dql

symfony2/doctrine2 dql where field is not true

Using COLLATE inside Doctrine DQL Query (Symfony2)

php symfony doctrine-orm dql

Doctrine 2 in Symfony 2 - Filtering a QueryBuilder by an association

How to sort a Doctrine DQL Query by the number or members of a relation?

DQL - leftJoin() error: Expected Literal, got 'JOIN'

symfony dql

Doctrine - how to check if a collection contains an entity

doctrine-orm dql

Symfony 2 Doctrine COUNT

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DELETE query not working in DQL doctrine Symfony2

symfony doctrine-orm dql

Is there a simple way to combine IS NULL and = :value in Doctrine 2 DQL?

doctrine-orm dql

DQL query with joining table and two join

symfony doctrine dql

Doctrine 2 Randomly Selecting a Row (Offset 0 or 1 indexed)?

doctrine-orm dql

Join and count in DQL

DQL query to return all files in a Cabinet in Documentum?

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How to retrieve only entity id using Symfony QueryBuilder?

php symfony doctrine dql

DQL query produces error Expected Literal, got 'BY'