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New posts in django-celery

Problems stopping celeryd

Django execute task on time specified in model datetime field

Issues with celery daemon

Update Django model object once Celery task is complete

django celery django-celery

Module name conflict in Python, how to resolve?

How do I permanently remove a celery task from rabbitMQ?

Prevent Celery Beat from running the same task

Celery time statistics per-task-name

How to continue executing celery queue after stopping Redis and then starting it later?

can't import django model into celery task

MongoEngine and dealing with "UserWarning: MongoClient opened before fork. Create MongoClient with connect=False, or create client after forking"

Get current celery task id anywhere in the thread

Django Celery Beat - How to pass arguments using the DatabaseScheduler

Django 1.6 and Celery 3.0 memory leaks

Can't pickle : attribute lookup builtin.function failed

python django django-celery

Amazon-SQS + Django-Celery creates thousands of queues (a queue for every message)

Django-celery : Passing request Object to worker

Celery: long dedicated monolithic task vs short multiple tasks

Python SEM_OPEN Error

Django celery retrieve task status using Ajax