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New posts in decimal

Converting my column to 2 decimal places

python pandas decimal

Python: Decimal addition and subtraction not giving exact result

python decimal precision

Will Decimal or Double work better for translations that need to be accurate up to .00001?

Overflow Exception when dividing two decimals in .NET

c# .net decimal division

PHP - floatval cuts of position after decimal point?

php floating-point decimal

MySQL table type for money [duplicate]

mysql decimal

Convert a float to a percentage with strange sql formatting

How to Parse a String with Multiple Decimal Points

c# parsing decimal

Python Decimal formatting wrong behavior?

Parsing decimal in scientific notation

c# parsing decimal

unable to set number of digits after decimal using paste function (R)

r decimal paste

number_format() php remove trailing zeros

Check if Python Decimal ends with a certain value

python decimal

Perl weird behaviour in number with decimal point

perl floating-point decimal

How do I round a positive and negative decimal in JSTL?

java jsp jstl decimal rounding

Is there a way to round a decimal place to the nearest whole in javascript?

Override decimal ToString() method

Java: Specifying how many numbers after the decimal point

java double decimal digit

PHP float/double stored as MySQL DECIMAL

Strange behavior when casting decimal to double