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New posts in data-visualization

Algorithms for interactive visualizations, like spreading, sizing, physics, etc [closed]

Interpolation on Cubism graphs

What packages do I use to create a visualization dashboard in IPython Notebook?

Use facet_grid for pairwise value (heatmap) visualization in ggplot2

Visualization of data from dataframe in (Py)Spark framework

Multiple Plots in the Same Figure [R]

r data-visualization

Rug plot does not work when specifying alpha colors?

Is there a D3 Gauge allowing multiple series/columns?

d3js - Creating Asterplot-like Charts (example included)

How can I move the legend position with grid.arrange

Seaborn scatterplot legend not showing

I have 8 years of daily data. I want to graph all values per day of the week, per weeks in a year and per month in a year. How do I do that?

How best to create a simple, interactive, shareable plot with python?

Matplotlib: plotting discrete values

3D plot in java. Java3D or Jmonkey [closed]

Building a train movement graph

How to change the distance between nodes in a force layout?

pygal rendering png/svg black pictures

Animated dot histogram, built observation by observation (using gganimate in R)

Delaunay Triangulation of points from 2D surface in 3D with python?