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New posts in create-react-app

create-react-app error import type * as PrettyFormat from './types' in pretty-format

"React must be in scope when using JSX" (react/react-in-jsx-scope with "window.React = React" on index.js)

Deploy create-react-app on Google App Engine

Tailwind in React project - getting "Cannot find module 'autoprefixer'" error during setup

Create React App not installing, showing an error and aborting installation

CORS issue with using localhost:3000 to access graphql API at a different URL

React (CRA) Service Worker Cache "public" folder

Nodejs won't set cookie for React CRA application even with proxy

eslint in terminal Cannot find module 'eslint-config-react-app'

Create React App V2 - Multiple entry points

Conditionally import assets in create-react-app

How to get MobX Decorators to work with Create-React-App v2?

Create-React-App with Moment JS: Cannot find module "./locale"

Creating a web worker inside React

Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-table/react-table.css'

React-Intl how to switch locale and messages from variable

create-react-app subfolder projects do not lint

Running development server with create-react-app inside of a docker container

docker create-react-app

How do I access an environment variable from within the public folder?