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How to use webpack and ES6 with dependencies using a CommonJS module?

Assemble every module into a single .js file

Packaging-up Browser/Server CommonJS modules with dependancies

Exporting Flow type in CommonJS?

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How to have a more readable bundle.js with webpack (sourcemap)?

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Defining an implementation independent version of the global object in JavaScript

How to keep Browserify bundle size sensible when using requires for thirdparty stuff (via grunt if it matters)

How to import in Typescript without module declaration

Node.js - are modules initialised only once?

javascript node.js commonjs

Circular dependency issue with Typescript, CommonJS & Browserify

Minimal CommonJS implementation

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Module.export-ing a New Instance

javascript node.js commonjs

How to convert Scala.js application to CommonJS module?

commonjs scala.js

Why to you have to specify the type of the export (let, var, const...) in ES2015?

Is it possible to use the CommonJS libraries yet?

javascript commonjs

How to use semantic-ui in react with webpack?

Export 'default' using index.ts