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New posts in bounded-wildcard

Wild card in java Generic and <? super T> meaning, lower or upper bound

rule changing in bounded wildcards in java-8?

Using generic wildcard types in return parameters

Why is this assignment involving wildcards legal in Java?

Why can't assign I <? extends Type> to <Type>?

java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder takes a <T extends Comparable<? super T>> and returns a Comparator<T> - why?

Why does java require a cast for the instantiation of a bounded type parameter to its upper bound class?

Java Generic Collection of Generic Type with Bounded Wildcard

Multiple wildcard bounds

In guava, why is just "T" used where "? super T" would be possible?

Java Generics: adding wrong type in collection

In Java, how can I avoid raw types when calling getClass on an instance of a generic type?

Wildcard with final upper bound

Difference of assignability with nested wildcards in Java 7/8 generics

Nested Bounded Wildcard

difference between creation unbounded and bounded wild card type array?

Recursive type parameters for an almost-cyclic type bound

Java 8 Comparator comparing static function

Java generic methods: super can't be used?

Why is this generic assignment illegal?