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New posts in autofixture

AutoFixture+Moq - Freezing a mocked class prevent from setup

Technique for using AutoFixture to integration test an application using Castle Windsor

How can I use custom ISpecimenBuilders with OmitOnRecursionBehavior?


Select specific constructor with AutoFixture

c# autofixture

How can I modify the fixture my custom theory data attribute creates for AutoFixture?

xunit autofixture

AutoFixture and Custom DataAnnotations


Can AutoFixture execute a delegate at object creation time?

c# autofixture

AutoFixture: mock methods don't return a frozen instance

moq autofixture

Preventing Autofixture from filling child collections

c# autofixture

Inject Both Interface and Implementation in AutoFixture

c# unit-testing autofixture

AutoFixture setup interface property inside class

c# .net autofixture

Mock HttpResponseMessage while unit testing API with Moq and AutoFixture

Creating a hybrid of a mock and an anonymous object using e.g. Moq and AutoFixture?

How to generate a stub object of an arbitrary Type not known at compile time using AutoFixture

c# unit-testing autofixture

Create concrete type for abstract property depending on context

c# unit-testing autofixture

AutoFixture's AutoData attribute with Xunit throws System.InvalidOperationException

How do I assign a property on only a subrange of items in a list?

Autofixture + NSubstitute: Freezing a mock?

Assembly version conflicts for AutoFixture and Moq with NUnit on TeamCity 7