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New posts in apache-kafka-connect

Automatically reconnect failed tasks in Kafka-Connect

Restarting Kafka Connect S3 Sink Task Loses Position, Completely Rewrites everything

Kafka Connect JDBC sink connector not working

Kafka-Connect: Creating a new connector in distributed mode is creating new group

What should I use: Kafka Stream or Kafka consumer api or Kafka connect

Disable mirrormaker2 offset-sync topics on source kafka cluster

Kafka JDBC connector load all data, then incremental

How to stream data from Kafka to MongoDB by Kafka Connector

Kafka Connect: No tasks created for a connector

Kafka Connect | Cannot complete request because of a conflicting operation

kafka connect hdfs sink connector is failing even when json data contains schema and payload field

Kafka Connect Transformation: Extract a Long value from json field and insert as key

Kafka SMT ValueToKey - How use multiple values as key?

Reading into SQL Server from Kafka feed [closed]

Properly Configuring Kafka Connect S3 Sink TimeBasedPartitioner

Kafka Connect can't find connector

Using Kafka Connect HOWTO "commit offsets" as soon as a "put" is completed in SinkTask

Kafka Producer cannot validate record wihout PK and return InvalidRecordException