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New posts in ansible

Is it possible to set a fact of an array in Ansible?


Add swap memory with ansible

Ansible: Set variable only if undefined

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible to Conditionally Prompt for a Variable?

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How to diff ansible vault changes?

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Is it possible to write Ansible hosts/inventory files in YAML?

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Running ansible-playbook using Python API

Ansible with multiple SSH key pair


How to pass a user / password in ansible command

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Ansible condition when string not matching

ansible ansible-playbook

How to prevent 'changed' flag when 'register'-ing a variable?


How to list all currently targeted hosts in an Ansible play

ansible ansible-playbook

How to escape double and single quotes in YAML within the same string

How to make Ansible run one certain task only on one host?


Running an Ansible Playbook on a particular group of servers

ansible ansible-playbook

ansible playbook execute in this order: task, role, task, role, task


Using True False with Ansible When Clause

How do I pass username and password while using Ansible Git module?

Ansible lineinfile duplicates line


NGINX: connect() to unix:/var/run/php7.0-fpm.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)

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