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YAML Multiline String While Retaining Indentation and Newlines

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``apt-mark hold`` and ``apt-mark unhold`` with ansible modules

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Ansible - ignore_errors WHEN


Is there some Ansible equivalent to "failed_when" for success

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Ansible cannot import docker-py even though it is installed

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Create user with option --disabled-password by Ansible

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Remove package ansible playbook

How to remove a single key from an Ansible dictionary?

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Filter a substring matching a pattern from an ansible variable and assign matched substring to another variable

Is there an elegant way to check file integrity with md5 in ansible using md5 files fetched from server?

How to add multiple inventory files in command line while executing a playbook

Importing/adding a yum .repo file using Ansible

Pass Ansible variables from one role (running on one host) to another role running on another host within the same playbook

How to delete *.web files only if they exist

ansible ansible-playbook

How to pipe commands using Ansible? e.g. curl -sL host.com | sudo bash -

ansible pipe

How to use omit with Ansible and avoid any errors?

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Appending files with Template Module in Ansible

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Ansible: playbook calling Role in a directory that is in the roles directory

How can I tell which init system Ansible runs when I use the "service" module?

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Error when installing docker-compose using ansible-playbook