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how to run a particular task on specific host in ansible

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible remote_user vs ansible_user

One loop over multiple Ansible tasks

Ansible: Insert line if not exists

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible: Set variable only if undefined

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible condition when string not matching

ansible ansible-playbook

How to list all currently targeted hosts in an Ansible play

ansible ansible-playbook

How to escape double and single quotes in YAML within the same string

Running an Ansible Playbook on a particular group of servers

ansible ansible-playbook

Using True False with Ansible When Clause

How do I pass username and password while using Ansible Git module?

How to upload encrypted file using ansible vault?

ansible ansible-playbook

How to write dynamic variable in Ansible playbook

Ansible SSH ERROR connection in localhost

PostgreSQL failing peer authentication with Ansible

How can I run a ansible task only if a file or directory does NOT exist?

ansible ansible-playbook

clone a specific branch from git through ansible playbook

How to wait for server restart using Ansible?

Ansible copy ssh key from one host to another

Abort execution of remaining task if certain condition is failed

ansible ansible-playbook