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New posts in annotations

Why does @RequestMapping annotation accept String parameter in java but not in scala?

java spring scala annotations

Where does Eclipse print messages that it outputs within an annotation processor?

java eclipse annotations

Spring 3.2 AOP - Intercepting methods by annotation

spring annotations aop

How can I get Resharper to treat Specflow Bindings, Step Def etc. annotations as Implicitly Used

How to use @ActivityInfo.ScreenOrientation

java android annotations

Emulate annotation inheritance for interfaces and methods with AspectJ

How does mypy use typing.TYPE_CHECKING to resolve the circular import annotation problem?

What function do these Java annotations serve?

java annotations

Are java annotation lists supposed to allow an extra comma after the last entry?

java annotations

Was javax's NotNull removed in Java 8?

GSON Custom serialization with annotations

How to inject a bean into a Spring Condition class?

class level annotations vs interfaces

java annotations

PHP Annotation Framework

php annotations

Hibernate, Spring and foreign keys

Programmatically invoke Annotation Processors

JAXB-WS - Making a field mandatory using @WebMethod

jboss annotations jax-ws

Do I need to use @tailrec in Scala?

How to indicate that a function expects a function as a parameter, or returns a function, via function annotations?

How to annotate a code block in Java

java annotations block