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New posts in angularjs-scope

Unit testing $modal with Jasmine

AngularJS scope doesn't update until do something in ui, like click a object with a function

AngularJS ignoring a key in an watched object or overriding the $watch listener

Angular directive: bind to variable in parent scope

AngularJS Documentation on Isolate Scope Attributes

AngularJS AppCtrl wait for HTTP event to success

Where to keep model in angularJS app?

Angular: using $rootScope.$on vs $scope.$on to catch a $rootScope.$broadcast in a component – what is better in terms of performance?

AngularJS: $rootScope.$on not receiving msg sent via $rootScope.$broadcast on v1.2 of angular

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How do you get value of form using angular javascript?

AngularJS: $scope vs this: what is the use of $scope?

AngularJS - Setting a variable on scope from directive

AngularJS: Bind angular service property to scope

How to access parent scope from child controller when using "controller As" and IIFE?

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Angular $routeProvider and Controller As Syntax

angular.js broadcast error: $rootScope.broadcast is not a function

What is the meaning of underscores on arguments (of the inject function)?

AngularJS : Access stored data in a factory after a $http call

$apply already in progress error when using typeahead plugin (found to be related to ng-focus + ng-blur)

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AngularJS select: remove empty option and use data objects not arrays