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New posts in android-layout-weight

How to handle weights in onMeasue for custom views?

Android - How can I set an item in a Toolbar to fill all of the available space?

Android: Setting the Weight parameter programmatically does the opposite of what i want

How to refresh match_parent in a linearLayout after using setRotation?

Android set max width in percentage of a TextView in LinearLayout of vertical orientation

layout_weight working opposite of what it should

TableLayout weight sum issues

how to set textview width wrap_content but limit to 1/3 of parent's width

How to set weight for included layouts?

Replacement for the linearLayout weights mechanism

Android: trying to understand android:layout_weight

Android Linear Layout Weight Programmatically

How do I set android:layout_columnWeight="1" programmatically to an element in an android support v7 Gridlayout

Android how to display 2 listviews in one activity one after the other

android:layout_height 50% of the screen size

What is android:weightSum in android, and how does it work?

Set the layout weight of a TextView programmatically

Linear Layout and weight in Android

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?