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New posts in android-cursor

swapCursor undefined error

Android how do you code now if requery is deprecated?

android android-cursor

Android SQLite ORDER BY Doesn't Work

SimpleCursorAdapter vs CursorAdapter?

Cursor window allocation of 2048 kb failed. # Open Cursors=1 (# cursors opened by this proc=1)

closing Cursor in SQLite database explicitly, needed or not needed?

Retrieve images of particular folder in Android

IllegalStateException: Invalid tables when trying to query database with ContentProvider

Android 4.0 EditText without soft keyboard and with cursor positioning

Why cursorLoader didn't notify changes in source data?

Failed to find provider info for <custom provider>

how to get the database value to a String array in android(sqlite Database)

CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException Index 0 requested, with a size of 0

"Optimizing" access to cursors in Android: Position vs Column names

android android-cursor

ViewPager PagerAdapter with cursor - CursorLoader.onLoadFinished doesnt get called with different query

Android ListView Live Updating

how to load more than 1 MB data from sqlite db to android cursor?

Cursor JOIN with same column name

android android-cursor

Couldn't read row 1, col -1 from CursorWindow. Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it

Passing binary blob through a content provider