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New posts in android-annotations

AndroidAnnotations and EventBus

Handling timeout with AndroidAnnotations (Spring Rest)

Adding arguments to AndroidAnnotation injected beans

How to send x-www-form-urlencoded in a body of POST request using android annotations and resttemplate

Android Annotations and new Android Databinding

Configuring Android Annotations v3.0.1 with Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.4

Inheritance activity with AndroidAnnotations

java.lang.ArrayStoreException: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy after moving to Android Annotations v.2.7

Android : Saripaar Validation Library. Need to set error message from strings.xml

Using AndroidAnnotations with Scala and Gradle

Use Android Annotations in custom dialog class

AndroidAnnotations how to add init code after onCreate

Calling an Activity with FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT from a Service

annotationprocessor and apt configure equivalent

AndroidAnnotations cannot find symbol class

Android-Annotations and inheritance

Transfuse vs AndroidAnnotations

Is it possible to inject mocks for testing purposes with AndroidAnnotations?

Android annotations and applicationIdSuffix