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New posts in anchor

Javascript: document.url without the anchor (hash) portion

javascript url get window anchor

Scrolling within a div without moving page

javascript html scroll anchor

Alternative to <a href="#"> when the anchor tag only triggers a jQuery action without redirecting the user?

Is it more accessible to use a <button> or <a> to open/close a modal?

Empty-linked anchor

javascript html anchor

How to get full anchor href? [duplicate]

javascript jquery anchor href

HTML <a> tag mailto generates wrong address

Force Save As box in Chrome / Safari when clicking on a Data URI anchor link

Can I use POST with an HTML5 download attribute?

html download anchor

Go to the anchor link after window.location.reload

javascript anchor

How to execute javascript of one page on click to trigger a click event on another page?

anchor jquery

Scroll to position WITHIN a div (not window) using pure JS

javascript scroll anchor

Fade page transition to an anchor

javascript jquery anchor fade

HTML link with padding and CSS style active does not work

html css anchor padding

HTML/CSS: <a> tag CSS rules w/ pseudoclasses rendering inconsistently

html css anchor pseudo-class

SEO: <button> vs <a> HTML tags [closed]

how to get the caller element in href javascript function?

Is there a "faxto" or similar protocol?

html hyperlink uri anchor fax

Linking to external URL with different domain from within an angularJS partial