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New posts in amazon-sns

What is the expected SLA(Service-level agreement) on Amazon SNS Messages?

Amazon Simple Notification Service to http endpoint


Sending SMS notification for Indian mobile numbers from AWS SNS

How to subscribe an SNS topic of one account by SQS of another account using boto3?

AWS SNS push notification clarification

AWS X-ray with SQS fanout pattern

EventBridge with SNS Target, can you customize the SNS Message

Can Amazon Simple Notification Service "push" notifications to a desktop client?

Can you send SNS push notification from lambda function in Amazon AWS?

AWS SNS not sending Subscription Confirmation

AWS SNS Message filtering on 'OR' condition

SNS filtering anything-but doesn't accept blank message-attribute

AWS SNS HTTP subscription confirmation in PHP

Creating Amazon SNS messages to be processed in the future

Is it possible to listen to AWS SNS notifications without using public callbacks?

Using AWS Lambda to watch SNS topic and deliver by websocket?

What is the difference between VoIP notifications and notification sent with apns-priority 10?

SNS publishing to multiple EC2 instances