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New posts in amazon-cognito

What is the REST (or CLI) API for logging in to Amazon Cognito user pools

How do I access the group for a Cognito User account?

aws-sdk amazon-cognito

Cognito auth flow fails with "Already found an entry for username Facebook_10155611263153532"

AWS cognito: What's the difference between Access and Identity tokens?

AWS Cognito: Best practice to handle same user (with same email address) signing in from different identity providers (Google, Facebook)

AWS Cognito - User stuck in CONFIRMED and email_verified = false


When I try to login using AWS Cognito I get an AccessDeniedException about my custom Lambda trigger

AWS Lambda API gateway with Cognito - how to use IdentityId to access and update UserPool attributes?

AWS Cognito as Django authentication back-end for web site

Should I use AWS Cognito "username" or "sub" (uid) for storing in database?

Where to find Identity Pool Id in Cognito

How do I use Amazon Cognito as user authentication for my website (NOT mobile app) [closed]

AWS Cognito Error: 'identityPoolId' failed to satisfy constraint

Cognito hosted UI

How to get user attributes (username, email, etc.) using cognito identity id

Firebase authentication vs AWS Cognito [closed]

How to modify expiry time of the access and identity tokens for AWS Cognito User Pools

Amazon Cognito "A client attempted to write unauthorized attribute"

Cognito User Pool: How to refresh Access Token using Refresh Token

How to edit user attributes in AWS Cognito User Pool for specific user?