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New posts in actionbarsherlock

Actionbar Sherlock Search Widget expand does not work

ActionBarSherlock shows wrong colors and radio button on dropdown navigation spinner

How to delete a tab with actionbar, viewpager, and multiple fragments?

Sherlock Action Bar with Sliding menu

ActionbarSherlock - tabs unresponsive in landscape orientation

ActionBarSherlock background does not repeat on pre ICS versions

Intermediate Progress doesn't work with ActionBarSherlock running on Gingerbread

How to change text color of IcsSpinner on ActionBarSherlock?

ActionBarSherlock Back button color change ?

android actionbarsherlock

ActionBarSherlock with ViewPager not calling ViewPager fragments lifecycle methods when going to and returning from backstack

Android ActionBar height issue

Could not find com_actionbarsherlock.apk

Fullscreen Mode using ActionBarSherlock on Devices running API <11

replicate ActionBar Tab(s) with custom view

What causes "RuntimeException: Binary XML file line #20: You must supply a layout_height attribute." (ActionBarScherlock is suspected)?

findFragmentByTag - looking for fragment in FragmentTabHost - always null

How can I remove divider before actionbar menuItem which only have text on it?

android actionbarsherlock

Unable to hide the virtual keyboard of SearchView iconfiedbydefault(false)

android + eclipse + maven + actionbarsherlock

Enable home button ActionbarSherlock, Sherlockfragment