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New posts in actionbarsherlock

How to maintain backwards compatibility while utilising Android API Level 15?

Show dropdown programmatically in ActionBar / ActionBarSherlock

How to display android actionbar title without truncation occurring

Get Current Fragment and Save on onSaveInstanceState() Method For Screen Orientation

SherlockActionBar in a MapActivity

ActionBarSherlock: OnOptionsItemSelected doesn't recognize R.id.home

Android: TabHost - passing Parameters to Fragments

Custom home button on ActionBar

android actionbarsherlock

Theming ActionBarSherlock gives api level error

android actionbarsherlock

Android (ActionBarSherlock) Is there any way to keep the same ActionBar height both in portrait and landscape?

Android custom theme: different theme for landscape and portrait mode

Android Studio APK install error: "local path doesn't exist"

Problems implementing tabs in ActionBarSherlock 4

android actionbarsherlock

no resource found that matches the given name Theme.Sherlock.Dialog

android actionbarsherlock

Actionbar Sherlock: Setting and hiding title bar

Action bar list navigation + tab navigation - Position of spinner is not at left most

No resource found when using style Theme.Sherlock

android actionbarsherlock

Android - problems animating ActionBar icon from Fragments

Style Android SearchView Drop down popup

ShareActionProvider refresh text