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New posts in actionbarsherlock

Android - searchview with auto complete feature inside action bar

Clicking on Action Bar Menu Items in Robotium

How to style ActionaBar Tab text in Android?

How do I implement the onCreateOptionsMenu method in a SherlockFragment?

The method getChildFragmentManager() is undefined

Unable to resolve superclass of Landroid/support/v4/app/FragmentActivity

NavigationDrawer using only Android Support Library

Inflate ActionBarSherlock Menu's defined in XML

How to dynamically change menu in onCreateOptionsMenu

how to setup ActionBarSherlock? [closed]

Google + Sign In: Activity won't start

ActionBarSherlock list navigation with icon and title

Programmatically turn off android:windowActionBarOverlay style from action bar

android actionbarsherlock

ActionbarSherlock: Long-click on action item show a Toast?

Divider not working for TitlePageIndicator with viewpagerindicator & actionbarsherlock

Mix of TabListener, ActionBarSherlock Fragment and ListFragment, PageAdapter? A mess