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New posts in .htaccess

htaccess deny all by ip address except those in united states?

.htaccess ip ip-address

my htaccess rule goes to page and not id

PHP: header expires not working

How to set post_max_size on apache server with htaccess (getting internal server error)

apache .htaccess post

.htaccess RewriteRule - Difference between [L,R] and [R,L]?

how can remove '/public' from url using htaccess for localhost and host server?

.htaccess zend-framework

htaccess - Rewrite files that have a directory with the same name

Image randomly corrupt (but load after refresh) and show "Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html"

php html image .htaccess

.htaccess to redirect 2 different domain names to seperate "landing pages"

.htaccess mod-rewrite

Why is this .htaccess file not presenting files that exist?

Htaccess - Skip redirect if env var is not set

apache .htaccess

How many RewriteRules can you have in .htaccess without trouble?

Translating an Apache .htaccess file to an IIS web.config

Cakephp Password Protection with htaccess and htpasswd - howto?

Add expires header without mod_expires?

Apply .htaccess HeaderName to all lower levels?

apache .htaccess

How do I get Slim Framework to work without having to put /index.php in the URL?

MIME types in .htaccess with or without leading dot

.htaccess mime-types

How do I use special characters (password) on the URL when dealing with HTTP authentication?

Apply rewrite rule if url not contains certain path