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New posts in .htaccess

Stop WWW for sub-domain with htaccess

Alternatives to PHP header function

How do I make .htaccess work on the current directory and not subdirectories?

.htaccess mod-rewrite

How do I preserve the existing query string in a mod_rewrite rule

regex .htaccess mod-rewrite

How to redirect based on Accept-Language with Apache / mod_rewrite

mod_rewrite rule: if URL contains a certain string

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How secure are .htaccess protected pages

security apache .htaccess

RewriteMap not working in mod-rewrite

Help with bootstrap and regex for PHP

$_GET array is empty

What is the difference between AddHandler and AddType in htaccess files

.htaccess addhandler

How to remove /drupal from URL in Drupal 7 when installation is in the associated sub-directory

drupal .htaccess drupal-7

403 redirect doesn't work

.htaccess rewrite condition trailing slash only for specific directories

403 Forbidden when passing URL in GET variable

php apache .htaccess

Puzzled using codeigniter on shared hosting server

Redirect non-www on a Wordpress site without using .htaccess

easyphp and .htaccess

.htaccess easyphp

Htaccess - Http Authentication - Why is this block causing a 500 error for me?

shared hosting website optimization (US server)