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New posts in .htaccess

It's possible to force download with .htaccess and a specific GET request (Dropbox style)?

apache .htaccess

Redirect wildcard subdomains to subdirectory, without changing URL in address bar

.htaccess RewriteRule to work with hidden and visible GETs

.htaccess working locally, but not on 1and1 server

symfony2 on shared hosting

.htaccess remove .php and add trailing slash

Mod Rewrite path issues

.htaccess folder to virtual-folder rewriting

HTACCESS RewriteCond without messing up localhost

.htaccess redirect

Remove .php extension (explicitly written) for friendly URL [closed]

RewriteRule only if directory or file does not exists

php .htaccess redirect

Apache2 "configtest failed" when trying to restart

.htaccess apache2 debian

How can I save a PHP file with a .php or .html extension?

php html .htaccess xampp

htaccess redirect but exclude images

image .htaccess redirect

Redirect one url to another url using .htaccess

apache .htaccess

Give no one access in a directory .htaccess

php .htaccess directory

URL rewriting - removing hash

Caching uploadify files crashes the chrome

Redirect directory to a subdomain

.htaccess redirect