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Tag dispatch versus static methods on partially specialised classes

Suppose I want to write a generic function void f<T>(), which does one thing if T is a POD type and another thing if T is non-POD (or any other arbitrary predicate).

One way to achieve this would be to use a tag-dispatch pattern like the standard library does with iterator categories:

template <bool> struct podness {};
typedef podness<true> pod_tag;
typedef podness<false> non_pod_tag;

template <typename T> void f2(T, pod_tag) { /* POD */ }
template <typename T> void f2(T, non_pod_tag) { /* non-POD */ }

template <typename T>
void f(T x)
    // Dispatch to f2 based on tag.
    f2(x, podness<std::is_pod<T>::value>());

An alternative would be to use static member function of partially specialised types:

template <typename T, bool> struct f2;

template <typename T>
struct f2<T, true> { static void f(T) { /* POD */ } };

template <typename T>
struct f2<T, false> { static void f(T) { /* non-POD */ } };

template <typename T>
void f(T x)
    // Select the correct partially specialised type.
    f2<T, std::is_pod<T>::value>::f(x);

What are the pros and cons of using one method over the other? Which would you recommend?

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Peter Alexander Avatar asked Aug 02 '11 18:08

Peter Alexander

2 Answers

I would like tag dispatch because:

  • Easy to extend with new tags
  • Easy to use inheritance (example)
  • It is fairly common technique in generic programming

It seems tricky to me to add third variant in second example. When you'll want to add, for example non-POD-of-PODs type you'll have to replace bool in template <typename T, bool> struct f2; with something other (int if you like =) ) and replace all struct f2<T, bool-value> with struct f2<T, another-type-value>. So that for me the second variant looks hardly extensible. Please correct me if I wrong.

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tim Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10


A readable alternative to [boost|std]::enable_if, tags and partial specialization for simple compile-time dispatch that I like is the following:

[Remember that booleans have conversion to integers, that zero-length arrays are invalid and that offending templates are discarded (SFINAE). Also, char (*)[n] is a pointer to an array of n elements.]

template <typename T> 
void foo(T, char (*)[is_pod<T>::value] = 0)
    // POD

template <typename T> 
void foo(T, char (*)[!is_pod<T>::value] = 0)
    // Non POD

It also has the advantage of not needing external classes which pollute the namespace. Now, if you want to externalize the predicate like in your question, you can do:

template <bool what, typename T>
void foo(T, char (*)[what] = 0)
    // taken when what is true

template <bool what, typename T>
void foo(T, char (*)[!what] = 0)
    // taken when what is false


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Alexandre C. Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10

Alexandre C.