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TableLayoutPanel's Control Columns properties

I've noticed that every control added to the TableLayoutPanel is given "Column" and "Row" properties. How can I get access to these properties through code?

like image 937
Idov Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 17:12


2 Answers

These properties only exist in the Properties Window, magic provided by the IExtenderProvider interface. They don't exist at runtime. Extended properties are:

  • ColumnSpan. Runtime: GetColumnSpan() and SetColumnSpan()
  • RowSpan. Runtime: GetRowSpan() and SetRowSpan()
  • Row. Runtime: GetRow() and SetRow()
  • Cell. Runtime: GetCellPosition() and SetCellPosition()
  • Column. Runtime: GetColumn() and SetColumn()

Obviously TLP was highly optimized to be used from the designer. It's kinda of a pain at runtime.

like image 189
Hans Passant Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 02:12

Hans Passant

Although the properties designer shows the row and column as properties of the added control thay are set programatically using a method on the table layout panel itself (SetColumn(control, index) and SetRow(control, index)).

This pattern of behaviour is similar the tool tip component and the error component.

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Spencer Booth Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 00:12

Spencer Booth