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Table with 3 columns. Fixed center column width. How to have shared width on other two columns?

i have a 100% width table with 3 columns. The center column must be 600px width. How can I have the other two equal width while using up the remaining space?

<table style="width: 100%">
        <td style="width: 600px">center</td>

Currently, depending on the content of left or right columns, they are always uneven. I have tried setting 50% width on the left and right as well as other numbers and min-width trials.

Please no jQuery/Javascript.

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Valamas Avatar asked Oct 24 '11 23:10


People also ask

How do you give equal width to all TD tables?

Using table-layout: fixed as a property for table and width: calc(100%/3); for td (assuming there are 3 td 's). With these two properties set, the table cells will be equal in size.

How do you set the fixed width of a TD table?

Using width attribute: The <td> tag has width attribute to control the width of a particular column. By assigning a numeric value to this attribute between 0 to 100 in terms of percentage(or you can use pixel format). We can restrict the column width up to that much percentage of the table's total width.

How do you fix column width in a table?

The width of the columns i.e. td in a table can be fixed very easily. This can be done by adding the width attribute in the <td> tag. If the width is not specified, the width of the column changes according to the change in the content. The specifications of width for the columns can be in pixels, or percentage.

1 Answers

New answer to this old question.

  1. Give the middle column th a max-width and min-width instead of width
  2. Give the left and right th a width of 50%.
  3. Don't give the table a width at all.

I have fixed this examples middle column width at 300px.

jsBin Example!


table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
    border: solid 1px #CCC;
    padding: 10px;
.fixed {
    max-width: 300px;
    min-width: 300px;
.fluid {
        width: 50%;


            <th class="fluid">First Column</th>
            <th class="fixed">Fixed Column</th>
            <th class="fluid">Third Column</th>
like image 182
misterManSam Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10
