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Tab Index on div

Please see the form HTML code below

<form method="post" action="register">      
    <div class="email">
        Email   <input type="text" tabindex="1" id="email" value="" name="email">                   </div>
    <div class="agreement">
        <div tabindex="2" class="terms_radio">
            <div onclick="changeTerm(this);" class="radio" id="terms_radio_wrapper" style="background-position: left 0pt;">
                <input type="radio" id="terms" value="1" name="terms"><label for="terms">I have read and understood the</label>
    <div class="form_submit">
        <input type="button" tabindex="3" value="Cancel" name="cancel">
        <input type="submit" tabindex="4" value="Submit" name="submit">         

Here I styled the agreement check box in such a way that radio input is completely hidden and background image is applied to the wrapper div, and onclick of the wrapper div will toggle the background image as well as the checked status of the radio input.

I need to set the tabindex index on the 'terms_radio' DIV, simply tabindex="2" attribute on div is not working,

Is it possible to bring the dotted border on the label for the radio input up on pressing the TAB when the cursor is at email input field?

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Mithun Sreedharan Avatar asked Jun 17 '10 05:06

Mithun Sreedharan

People also ask

How do you do a tab index?

The tabindex attribute specifies the tab order of an element (when the "tab" button is used for navigating). The tabindex attribute can be used on any HTML element (it will validate on any HTML element. However, it is not necessarily useful).

What does Tabindex =- 1 mean?

A negative value (usually tabindex="-1" ) means that the element is not reachable via sequential keyboard navigation, but could be focused with JavaScript or visually by clicking with the mouse. It's mostly useful to create accessible widgets with JavaScript.

Can we add Tabindex in CSS?

Yes. It is useful. The most useful values are tabindex="0" for example on <span/> or <div/> element and tabindex="-1" to disable tab stops or make elements focusable without tab-navigation.

3 Answers

DIV elements are not compatible with tabindex in HTML4).

(NOTE HTML 5 spec does allow this, however, and it commonly works regardless)

The following elements support the tabindex attribute: A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA.

Essentially anything you would expect to be able to hold focus; form elements, links, etc.

What I think you probably want to do here is use a bit of JS (I would recommend jQuery for something relatively painless) to bind to the focus event on the input element and set border on the parent div.

Stick this at the bottom of your body tag to grab jQuery from the Google CDN:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then something like this would probably do the trick:

$(function() {
    $('div.radio input').bind({
        focus : function() {
            $(this).closest('div.radio').css('border','1px dotted #000');
        blur : function() {
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antz29 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10


Yes! There is a spec for it, its called WAI-ARIA and its for accessibility : https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#kbd_general_between

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hdf54d56 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10


You could simply change the tabindex value from 2 to 0.

<div tabindex="0" class="terms_radio">

This provides the default focus state that goes with the flow of your code.


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Poshan Bastola Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Poshan Bastola